Thursday, July 25, 2019

Funniest Amazon Customer Question Ever!

As you all know, has a section on the bottom of product listings called Customer Questions. Usually, prospective buyers want to know about the actual size of the product, is it compatible with X, does it work for Y, etc.

And then once in a blue moon, one comes across a hilarious question that I still don't know if the person who asked the question was serious to begin with.

 Check out this listing for a pet feeder on Amazon.

Pet Feeder
If you look at the first Customer Question, you'll see this:
Can I use these for cereal and milk for kids?

I thought that was a strange question for a pet feeder. Curious, I clicked into it and read the most hilarious thread ever...and possibly the most disturbing if the person asking the question was serious, as well as the people who answered back seriously about the types of cereal and milk that would work with this pet feeder.

I was ROFL. The community loved it too because it got 37 votes to keep this question pinned to the top.

Read it here and judge for yourself. Enjoy!
Customer Question

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